Band Ensembles

    OCS Titan Bands  

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Titan Winds

Titan Winds is an audition-based ensemble and is the premiere group at OCS. Students will also potentially be invited to participate by the director. Because these students do not meet daily as a class, they will have required after-school rehearsals twice a week beginning in October. Titan Winds will perform 3-5 concerts a year, will have field trip opportunities, as well as other performance opportunities throughout the year. In addition to a high level of musicianship, these members of Titan Winds are expected to strive for excellence in academics, citizenship, and leadership. Students in this ensemble must be passing all their classes throughout the semester to participate, and have no behavior issues in their classes. 

8th grade Band

8th grade band will be comprised of all students in the 8th grade registered for band class and performs 2-3 times a year. This ensemble will have once weekly required after school practices to allow students to meet as a full band prior to performances. 

7th Grade Band

7th grade band will be comprised of all students in the 7th grade registered for band class and performs 2-3 times a year. This ensemble will have once weekly required after school practices to allow students to meet as a full band prior to performances. 

6th Grade Band

This ensemble is made of 6th graders who have no prior experience with band. Admission is open to any/all interested 6th grade band students. New members don't even have to be sure on what instrument they wish to play to get started! We will guide you through the whole process of selecting an instrument to performing in concerts! This band will perform approximately 2-3 concerts per year.