Admissions Information
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 20-2-2066(a), there is no Admissions Criteria for acceptance to Oglethorpe Charter School other than living in the Savannah-Chatham County School District. Interested Parents or Guardians must obtain and submit an Admissions Application by the designated annual deadlines as outlined on the school website and at the school. There are three scheduled Open Houses in January where parents can tour the school, ask questions, and learn more about our school program. If the number of applications exceeds the capacity of the school program, all applicants will have an equal chance of being admitted through a random selection process known as the Enrollment Lottery. Preference will be given to any sibling of a currently enrolled student and to children of a teacher or staff member.
The Admissions Lottery for entry into Oglethorpe Charter School for the 2025-26 School Year has been completed. The results of the lottery are posted under the Admissions tab by Grade Level. Acceptance Letters will be mailed February 4, 2025. Parents or Guardians must return their acceptance form by Friday, February 13, 2025 (in person or by email to to claim student placement and receive a Registration Packet. All registration paperwork must be delivered in person to the school no later than February 13, 2025. After February 13, 2025 enrollment space will begin being offered to students on the waiting list.
If your child's application for SY 2025-26 was not received by the January 29, 2025 deadline,
you may fill out an Application to be added to the
Courtesy Waitlist for the 2025-26 School Year.
NOTE: By filling out this application, you are agreeing that your child's name will be put on a
Courtesy Waitlist and the information will only be used IF an opening becomes available.
2025-26 OCS Student Waitlist Application
For more information
Please enjoy our Oglethorpe Charter School Enrollment Informational Video
created by our OCS Titan Ambassadors and their sponsor-teacher, Nicole Dillon.