Parent Resources

General Information


While waiting for pick-up or participating in any activities after-school, all students must adhere to our Student Code of Conduct as posted online. Therefore, effective, Thursday, March 6, 2025, any student who fails to adhere to afterschool expectations will be assigned an administrative-managed Out-of-School-Suspension (OSS) and lose their privileges to remain for afterschool activities for a period of time as determined by their grade level team AP and/or Principal, Mr. Kevin Wall:  

  • Any student found reentering the building after 2:40 p.m. without permission from a staff member.   
  • Any student found opening exterior doors after 2:40 p.m. to allow others to enter the building.  
  • Any student who fails to comply with adult directives while waiting for parent or guardian pickup as confirmed by grade level team AP after investigation. 
  • Any student found in an unauthorized area after 2:40 p.m. (i.e., school stairway, fitness and wellness wing, restrooms, etc.) without authorization from the appropriate staff member. 
  • Any student found to be rude, disrespectful, and/or non-compliant when given a directive by an adult authority figure.  
  • Any student found using their phone to record others or place the school in a negative light after such an incident has been investigated by the administration. 
  • Students must remain off the artificial turf at all times. 
  • Students making a mess or littering will lose privileges to stay on campus after 3:15 PM.  

Please reach out to Mr. Kevin Wall, Principal, if you have any questions or concerns. 912-395-5075 extension: 746106 or   

Dismissal Safety Reminders!
      *Students will not enter vehicles waiting in the road that are not in the car line.
      *Students will not cross driveways or the street for pick-up, except when accompanied by an adult.
      *Late pick-up students must remain in the supervised area of the bus ramp. No waiting on Central Ave.
      *Walkers not picked up by 3:08 PM from Alee Temple and Paulsen parking lots will be escorted back
         to campus when directed by OCS staff.

OCS is using the PikMyKid app for dismissal this year.  All parents are encouraged to download and use the app so that carpool runs as smoothly and safely as possible.  The Parent App Guide is accessible below.
      Parent App User Guide_English_2024 Release

School begins promptly at 7:40 am.  Students arriving to school after 7:40 am are considered late.  All late students must be signed into school at the front office by a parent/guardian/adult.

Early pickup ends at 1:45 p.m.   
The front office will be closed during this time to facilitate dismissal. Parents arriving after 1:45 p.m. will need to wait for dismissal to pick up their student.

Drop-off Pick-up DIRECTIONS (effective July 29, 2024): 
Parents will need to use the directions in this link for Drop-off and Pick-up in the mornings and afternoons:
 Pick-up and Drop-Off Directions 24-25

Parents & Guardians:  If you would like for your student to be a walker, you must fill out the form at the link below.
Walker Sign-up Form

Please NOTE:  Absolutely NO FOOD DELIVERIES will be accepted for or by students at OCS.  For example, Grub Hub, Door Dash, etc.
Students are NOT allowed to bring personal Laptops or Chromebooks from home. Students may only use OCS Chromebooks to complete work at school.


Titan Nurse Sword Logo 
If your child has a history of seizures, the nursing office must have the medication and paperwork asap.

- If your child has a history of asthma, the nursing office must have your paperwork as well as an inhaler.
- If your child rides a bike to Oglethorpe, they should be wearing a helmet.
The Nurse’s office is open from 7:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for your convenience. You can contact Nurse Borden at 912-395-5079 or

PowerSchool - Parent Access

PowerSchool logo How do I sign up for and use Parent Access?
PowerSchool Parent Access is your one-stop shop for accessing your student’s information. It’s available 24/7/365 and it couldn’t be easier. You can access it on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device at PowerSchool Parent Access also allows you to see student attendance, assignments, and grades.  
Please contact our Student Information Specialist at if you do not have your login information. Once you are properly identified, your student's access ID and password will be provided. Each child will have a separate access ID and you will need to link each to the account you create in Parent Access. Instructions for using the Parent Access portal is posted on the BOE website.   
Parent Portal Flyer with Links    PS Parent Flyer With Links

Parent Access will be available for login after the tenth day of each school year and will close five days before the end of each marking period. In addition, as the marking period changes from one quarter to another, you can expect to have access to your student's grades for the new quarter five days after the start of the quarter.

Uploading School Attendance Excuses

How to Upload Excuses 

 How to Upload Excuses - Spanish 

Attendance Policy

Student attendance is the responsibility of the parent and the student. School attendance and academic success are causally related. When students are absent from school, their absence causes a loss of instructional time and could result in poor academic performance.  
If a student arrives to school after 7:40 am, the parent/guardian MUST come inside the building and sign their child in at the front office. 

Excused and/or Unexcused Absences - Oglethorpe’s policy is that each student is allowed 5 excused or unexcused absences each semester without penalty. After 10 total absences, students may be assigned a morning or an afterschool admin-managed detention or a Saturday school to make up the missed time and may also be referred to our school social worker. Unexcused absence will be subject to attendance investigation.

Unexcused Absences (1-Full Day, 2-5 Full Days/10 Full Days) - If a student is marked with a chronic unexcused absence (chronic attendance and/or tardies to school a.m. class) for the school day, the student will not be allowed to participate or attend extracurricular activities scheduled on the day of the absence and/or for a period of time as determined by administration after having held a truancy meeting. After 10 or more days total absences, students will be considered truant and will be referred to our school social worker and be required to make up missed time by attending a mandatory academic Saturday school.

Below is a link to resources for parents and information on the importance of school attendance. 
SCCPSS Attendance

Grading Policy

Oglethorpe Charter School serves students in grades sixth, seventh, and eighth. All of Oglethorpe’s teachers are trained in the Georgia Standards of Excellence which are directly aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards. All students at Oglethorpe take core classes in reading/literature, writing/grammar, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition to the regular curriculum, students will receive:

  • Character Education
  • Instruction in study skills, test-taking, note-taking, and time-management
  • 15 minutes set aside each day for sustained silent reading in reading classes
  • Specialized instruction for students not meeting standards in reading and math
  • Enrichment opportunities for students exceeding standards in reading and math
  • Remediation opportunities for students who are struggling in their subjects.
  • Career/College Readiness
  • Goal Setting

In the event of an excused absence, assignment deadlines will be extended one day for each day’s absence. Absence from school for illness or to attend a special school function does not excuse a student from the responsibility for completing assignments in and out of class. 

Grading Policy- The following grading policy has been adopted by Oglethorpe Charter School:
     ▪ 60% Assessments: Tests, Quizzes, Formative/Summative Assessments, Major Projects.
     ▪ 40% Classwork: Homework, Daily Class Assignments, Small Projects
     ▪ High Honor Roll -GPA of 95 or higher, no grade below 90.
     ▪ Honor Roll –GPA of 90 or higher, no grade below 85.
Honor rolls may be published in the quarterly newsletter and the local newspaper. Students will also be recognized for earning Honor Roll at any point throughout the school year.
Grade Reporting and Tracking Policy - Report cards are published through the Parent Portal every nine weeks based on district schedule. Parents should check Power School to be notified if students have a GPA below 70. Students who have failed courses at the end of the first semester are sent home a Critical Decision Forms. Parent(s) or Guardian(s) are required to schedule a parent conference with the student’s team. Parents are also encouraged to enroll in Parent Access. Please contact Ms. Sarita Grant (Information Specialist) for assistance. The ending nine (9) weeks grades may not have a numerical value lower than 60.
Grading Procedure - The following grading scale will be used to report student achievement in all school subjects:  A = 90–100; B = 80–90; C = 70–79, F = 0–69.

School Nutrition Program

Please fill out the form for free or reduced school lunch to see if your child qualifies here:
Federal Waivers that have provided free school lunch for everyone through the pandemic are expiring for 2023-24.  
 School Nutrition 

Vaccinations for School

Certain vaccinations are required before your child can attend school. Please make sure your child's vaccinations are up to date.  You may click on the links below to learn what your child needs:
GA Dept of Public Health Website
7th Grade Vaccine Handbook
Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccines
Teen Teaching Sheet
Give Em Your Best Shot

Complete vaccination records can be mailed to the school or scanned copies can be emailed to Nurse Bolden at Dept of Health logo


The Oglethorpe Charter School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is accepting memberships for the current school year.  The cost if $5 per family.  If you would like to join, serve on the PTO Board, serve on a committee, or be a volunteer, please contact Tiffany Cutter, PTO President, at

Like Oglethorpe Charter PTO on Facebook:

Great to be a Titan logo 


Please visit and like our OCS Facebook page.  It is updated often with school activities and news.
 Facebook Like logo 

Additionally, please like our OCS Library Media Center Facebook page.  Lots of resources are posted here as well as Library events and news.
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