Title One
The OCS Titan Title 1 Family Center is located in Room 155. Feel free to contact our Family & Community Resource Specialist, Mrs. Jennifer Darke, between the hours of 7:30 am and 3:00 pm. 395-5075 Ext 746183 or Jennifer.Darke@sccpss.com
Titan Title I Announcements
Please complete the survey at the link below by March 7, 2025. We will use the results to adjust the OCS School Compact and Action Plan.
The Annual Family Forum Meeting will be held March 21, 2025 at 1:30 pm, in person only.
Title 1 Annual Meeting
Please click the video to the right to view our Title 1 Annual Meeting Recording held virtually September 19, 2024.
Titan Title I Meeting
Attendance Policy
Student attendance is the responsibility of the parent and the student. School attendance and academic success are causally related. When students are absent from school, their absence causes a loss of instructional time and could result in poor academic performance. If a student arrives to school after 7:45 am, the parent/guardian MUST come inside the building and sign their child in at the front office.
Excused and/or Unexcused Absences - Oglethorpe’s policy is that each student is allowed 5 excused or unexcused absences each semester without penalty. After 10 total absences, students may be assigned a morning or an afterschool admin-managed detention after the first 10-days of school as well as a Saturday school to make up the missed time and may be referred to our school social worker. Unexcused absence will be subject to attendance investigation.
Unexcused Absences (1-Full Day, 2-5 Full Days/10 Full Days) - If a student is marked with a chronic unexcused absence (chronic attendance and/or tardies to school a.m. class) for the school day, the student will not be allowed to participate or attend extracurricular activities scheduled on the day of the absence and/or for a period of time as determined by administration after having held a truancy meeting. After 10 or more days total absences, students will be considered truant and will be referred to our school social worker and be required to make up missed time by attending a mandatory academic Saturday school.
Reading Strategies
9 Reasons to Read More